[TYPO3-dev] Plugin Counter: How often a plugin was inserted on a page

Stefan Frömken firma at sfroemken.de
Mon Jun 22 08:41:06 CEST 2009

> Hi,
> I don't know when you need to have that count.

My Plugin generates a SlideShow. You can set your own images:
- from a specified directory
- all images from /uploads/media

When you insert my plugin once you'll never get a problem
But when you insert it twice or more, it could be, that the admin insert 
3 images in plugin1 and 6 images in plugin2, ...

My JavaScript needs the information how many images are inserted. So 
with a different count of images I need two different scripts.
I also need different scripts when both plugins have the same count of 
images, because JavaScript/MooTools need the unique ID of an 
image-file...else you get dirty XHTML-Code.

With this plugincounter I can give each JavaScriptcode a unique 

If you want...you can see my current script in
EXT: sfslideshow


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