[TYPO3-dev] Complex mm-relations

Nikolas Hagelstein hagelstein at shr.cc
Tue Jun 9 10:26:34 CEST 2009

Hi steffen,

>So how do you solve such scenarios, using native SQL constructs only?
I have to admit, that I use to solve mm issues using handmade queries.
I personally use to extend t3lib_db::exec_SELECTquery's  "FROM" part by
the join stuff.
I am not aware of any other solution to fire complex (in a typo3 manner)
join querys .

Resolving relations using the TYPO3 api is big pain even more If i18n
comes into play. 
(the getRecorcd overlay i18n stuff isn't viable for large result sets)
But I am convince extbase's ORM/Domain/Model layer will simplify things


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