[TYPO3-dev] BE module with extJs but in 4.2.8

Sonja Scholz ss at cabag.ch
Tue Jul 28 10:14:30 CEST 2009

Hi everyone,

I want do develop a BE module for a customer where I would like to use 
the extJS libary.

But I have to use the core of 4.2.8.
So I have already extJS in BE running. I made two xclasses for 
backend.php and template.php to add the same extJS code as it is in the 
TYPO3 4.3alpha3. The extJS javascript files are included well in the 
backend now.

My question is now:

Does anyone know a documentation, example extension or something else 
where I can find out the best way to use extJS in my old-way-no-MVC 
backend module?

I played around with a no-typo3 tutorial [1] but it uses the php echo 
for returning the json array back to the javascript.

How can I do this JSON output in an old-way backend module?

I had also a look at the MVC+extJS examples from forge but I don't use 
MVC framework so it doesn't helps me really.

I would be glad for every answer.

Kind regards,


1 : http://extjs.com/learn/Tutorial:Grid_PHP_SQL_Part1

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