[TYPO3-dev] GIFBUILDER setCurremt from Extension

Felix Buenemann Felix.Buenemann at gmx.de
Fri Jul 17 02:53:55 CEST 2009


I just spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to set the current
value on a GIFBUILDER object, so that it's child IMAGE element can refer
to it via file.import-current = 1.

I'm writing an extension that renders images and I want to leave the
ability to the user to add eg. dropshadows via GIFBUILDER without
hardcoding this into the extension.

Because of this I cannot set the file property diectly from PHP or use
cObject->cImage() - I render using cObject->IMAGE().

I know that TemplaVOila is doing something similar, if you embed TS code
for image rendering into a tv ds/to, so it must be possible.

Best Regards,
   Felix Buenemann

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