[TYPO3-dev] Performance improvement: caching of MENUDATA

Ralf Hettinger ng at ralfhettinger.de
Mon Dec 21 10:07:48 CET 2009

Am 21.12.2009 09:47 schrieb Mathias Schreiber [wmdb >]:
> Am 21.12.09 09:41, schrieb Ralf Hettinger:
>> Hi Mathias,
>> Am 21.12.2009 08:34 schrieb Mathias Schreiber [wmdb>]:
>>> Configurable would be good, because there are cases, when caching DOES
>>> help.
>> You may be in the mood to enlighten me just a bit... can you outline a
>> scenario, where the MENUDATA caching would be helpful?
> Whenever you use the same menustructure again.
> Simple example:
> You have a suckrfish like dropdown horizontally and keep the 2nd level
> on the left side as well.
> Boom - caching helps :)

I would have thought that as well, but it turned out here, that the gain
on a "normal" menu item is marginal if there is any (depending on the
speed of the db and its access of course...).

But agreed, if your menuitems are more complex and maybe contain
stdWrap-ped cObjects or the like, this might be quite useful. So
configurable (again) seems to be the answer.

Maybe we should think about what should be the default (caching or not)
- as far as I am concerned my vote goes for no MENUDATA caching by default.


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