[TYPO3-dev] Powermail hooks - fetch id of powermail mail record just created?

Florian Schaeffer florian.schaeffer at mercoline.de
Mon Dec 7 07:47:08 CET 2009

Hello Brain,

> I'm playing around with powermail and its hooks. I need to output the id 
> of the powermail mail record that has just been created after the user 
> submits the form. So far I have not succeeded.

As the docs to powermail state there is no real hook for it available 
ATM but in the forums on forge there is an entry which proposes to use a 
userFunction for it.

One should simply get the last entry of the powermail_mails-table and 
use it as uid of the mail. But it has to be said, this can only be used 
on mid-traffic sites. If you have a LOT! of entries happening at the 
same time the function may return a false id....

This is how we do it:

Make a userFunc-PHP-File:
class user_userFuncPowermail {
   function user_getUidOfMail() {
     // get latest entry from db
     $result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 'max(uid) as 
uid', 'tx_powermail_mails', '');
     $row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($result);

     return $row['uid']+1;

and then on the page where the powermail-form is add an additional 
template and out something like this in the setup-field

includeLibs.user_userFuncPowermail = 

plugin.tx_powermail_pi1 {
   dynamicTyposcript {
     lastMailId = USER
     lastMailId.userFunc = user_userFuncPowermail->user_getUidOfMail

this f.e. will make the UID-field accessible for the mail 
processing-functions. In our case we just send the generated ID to the 
user so he has an unique identifier for his ticket (the marker can be 
accessed like "Ticket-ID: ###POWERMAIL_TYPOSCRIPT_LASTMAILID###")


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