[TYPO3-dev] Like to hear your opinion regarding security

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Tue Dec 1 21:58:33 CET 2009

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   Sebastian Gebhard
Datum:       01.12.2009 21:30:

> You can find out my OpenID Identifier if you do some research, because I 
> produced a podcast about OpenID which shows my ID. But you'll never get 
> the 23char long generated password for my OpenID account - so it's not a 
> security risk for me, is it?

As secure as the provider is. Or as long as no one is selling the 
passwords. Or as long as people gotn't trapped by providing their 
password to as fake....

IMHO it's as secure as any other solution ;-)
Using one id with one password is pretty native.
But that's MHO, solidated half knowledge.


loans that change lives http://www.kiva.org

uon GbR

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