[TYPO3-dev] Hackontest 2008 List of Tasks

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Wed Sep 24 10:16:53 CEST 2008

Hi developers,

we recently received the list of tasks we have to implement during the
Hackontest 2008 in Switzerland. If you'd like to help us, join the TYPO3
Hackontest IRC channel as mentioned in the list of resources in a
announcement on TYPO3.org:


Here's our work package we received from the Hackontest Orga Team:

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Hi Typo3 Team,

Here is the list of features to implement:

A couple of low hanging fruits:
OpenID authentification for the backend
RSA authentication library

Next up some work on the internationalization:
localconf.php and SiteName

A nice feature that many users should benefit from:
Integrated RSS feed for content elements per page

This would be the big one aka improve caching:
Improve performance by implementing per-object caching
Reduce redundant cached content (sharing similar content for different

If there is still time have a look at:
Add Messaging Queue Support

This one seems like its less coding and more talking and planning with
the entire community about a new base module:
Extbase - pibase 2.0

Not really possible because it would have required arranging things
prior to the event:
Zap the Gremlins - 2008 edition

Not really sure about this one .. maybe a generic cache API on top of
APC, memcache etc .. but this has been done in so many projects already
and is mainly a boring task, but if you have time give it a whirl:
memcached api

Good luck and happy hacking!


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Oliver Hader
TYPO3 Release Manager 4.3

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