[TYPO3-dev] typoscript codecompletion

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Mon Sep 8 16:35:00 CEST 2008

Hi guys!

As some of you might know, we (Christian Kartnig and i) have developed a 
  codecompletion for typoscript.

I just packed the current version of the t3editor-cc and uploaded it to 
my server.
Feel free to give it a try:


Feedback is appreciated very much!
What do you think what has to be done to get this into 4.3?


1.) set allowSystemInstall=1 in the installtool (cause the extension has 
to be copied to the typo3/sysext folder not to typo3conf/ext)
2.) in the extensionmanager goto "Upload extension file directly (.t3x)" 
and select the downloaded t3x file
3.) under "to location..." select "system" and check "Overwrite any 
existing extension!" then upload and install the extension.

WARNING: the original t3editor will be replaced, so if you like to 
switch back to the default t3editor later, backup your 
typo3/sysext/t3editor directory!

Cheers Stef

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