[TYPO3-dev] Documentation of TYPO3_CONF_VARS

Dan Osipov dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Wed Sep 3 20:38:59 CEST 2008

+1 on any extra documentation.

Unfortunately it seems like 4.2 docs are still not complete (update me 
if I'm wrong). Following Dmitri's advice I emailed Stucki, but received 
no reply. There is a lot left to be documented...

Dan Osipov
Calkins Media

Steffen Kamper wrote:
> Hi,
> while searching for docs about pageNotFound_handler i have to state that 
> there is no doc describing them.
> There is a doc "Inside T3" which would match best.
> So i vote for adding a table of possible values there. For the start we 
> could use the descriptions in config_default, also displayed in install 
> tool
> Then we have a place to describe the more complex ones with some examples.
> For example the syntax for pageErrorHandler is complex and there are 
> different usages like REDIRECT, READFILE, USER_FUNCTION etc. which 
> should descrbed and explained.
> This would help a lot imho
> vg Steffen

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