[TYPO3-dev] Show or hide flexform field in subject to admin account

Patrick Lobacher plobacher at n-o-g.de
Tue Oct 21 17:58:34 CEST 2008

Oliver Leitner schrieb:
> Is this ment for your own extensions, or are you searching for the core
> feature that does that?

Hi Oliver,

this is meant for my own extension.
Background is, that I present a select field, from where the BE_USER can 
choose one of the directories which are inside his filemounts. If the 
BE_USER is admin he/she should be able to fill in an absolute path 
anywhere in the system (even outside document root). This should be done 
in a seperate input field which is only visible if the user is admin.


>> I try to present an input field in a flexform in subject to the admin
>> account.
>> If the BE_USER isAdmin the field should be display (and processed) and
>> if not, the user should not even see this field (or the coresponding
>> value should be deleted on the way to the database).
>> Now the question:
>> - I know that this is possible with "dynaflex", but I don't want the
>> user of my extension to install another extension just for this simple task
>> - Is it possible to hide/show the field with some hook? Which one is the
>> correct one? getMainFields_preProcess in class.t3lib_tceforms.php?
>> - Is there another (simple) solution?

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