[TYPO3-dev] After updating an extension...

Fr. Simon Rundell SCP simon at rundell.org.uk
Mon Oct 20 10:23:39 CEST 2008

I haven't posted for a while as I've been just quietly working away...

For once, I have done something (quite small really) to someone else's
extension, and I think it should be part of the main build...

What is the ettiquette for this? Do I email the author (ironically, Kasper)
with my new version? with a diff?  I assume that I can't update the TER
myself as  that would be quite rude: what if the original author didn't want
my addition in it.

FYI it is a small change to the rmlp_officeimport extension which takes SXW
or Office 2003 XML documents and turns them into HTML. I was disappointed to
find that the text produced on screen was not searchable as it was imported
on the fly, so I just made a small change to update the tt_content record
with an archive of what was imported and hey presto, it can now be brought
up in a search.


Fr. Simon Rundell SCP
Parish of S. Thomas the Apostle, Elson
The Vicarage, 21 Elson Road, Gosport, Hants, UK, PO12 4BL
Tel: 02392 582824  Mob: 07976 802123
email: simon at rundell.org.uk
web:   http://www.thomastheapostle.info/
blog:   http://frsimon.wordpress.com

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