[TYPO3-dev] passwords can't be changed in 4.2.2 backend

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Oct 10 10:18:22 CEST 2008

Steffen Kamper wrote: on 08.10.2008 22:58:

>> The patch from #9494 solved this problem.
>> Why is this patch marked as resolved? This patch was never committed

> ah, it's the follow up one: #9497
> but palette-stuff is not needed, patch from 9494 is enough
> vg Steffen


some notes about the handling in the bug tracker:

I found it a bit strange and misleading to see:

bug #9494: Setting password for a new BE user changes the field value to

bug #9517: BE/FE-User passwords can't be changed (undefined)

marked both as "resolved".

1) I think that "duplicated" bug should not be marked as resolved but as
CLOSED. To me, resolved means that the bug is resolved, so that I can
expect that a patch has been applied somewhere. This is/was not the
case. So I would mark duplicate entries as CLOSED, also so that they
don't appear twice in the later "Fixed in version 4.x.x" listing on Mantis.

2) somehow Ingo Renner marked 9517 duplicate of 9494, but it doesn't
appear on either side as a "Relationship". So maybe the way he did it
wasn't right? We can only see that it was done in the History, which is
why it doesn't catch ones eye at first. Or maybe a Mantis Bug?

3) bug #9494 definitively isn't a "duplicate" of #9497. The solution
might be the "same", but I think it is important to keep different bug
reports as distinct entities, even if the same patch solves it. In the
RFC the patch might reference both entries, also the ChangeLog. This
makes it easier later to see what was solved. Both issues are of course
"related", but there is a way to set that relationship too. They should
remain both OPEN until they are both RESOLVED (even if it is with the
same patch).

Just my €.02. ;)


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