[TYPO3-dev] IRRE reload onChange

Dan Osipov dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Tue Oct 7 04:25:10 CEST 2008

I have a table set up for use in IRRE. It has two fields that are 
displayed, with the following TCA configuration:
         "widget_id" => Array (
             "label" => "Widget",
             "config" => Array (
                 "type" => "select",
                 "foreign_table" => "tx_widget",
                 "foreign_table_where" => " AND 
                 "maxitems" => 1,
         "type" => Array (
             "exclude" => 1,
             "label" => "Type",
             "config" => Array(
                 "type" => "select",
                 "itemsProcFunc" => 

What I want to happen, is that upon selecting the "Type" from a list, 
the "widget_id" field is updated with the results from the DB. Can that 
be done - preferably using AJAX?

Dan Osipov
Calkins Media

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