[TYPO3-dev] I lost the right-click menus

henri delebecque henri.delebecque at supelec.fr
Mon Jun 9 12:30:38 CEST 2008

>A pity it does not work. Tell me why you are using two backends and 
>one db. I am
>really curious about that.

hello again,

you're right, it's strange. I don't need two backends. I have 
re-install a new one as soon
as my right-click menus disappear, and then I have tried to isolate 
the things that change
between them.  That's why they share the typo3-src directory, and the db.
But, as soon as I solve my problem, I will keep only one back-end in 
my operationnal site :-)

best regards
| Henri Delebecque (henri.delebecque at supelec.fr)
| Docteur en Sciences
| Professeur - Webmaster
| Tel :  33  (0)
| Supelec
| 3 rue Joliot-Curie
| Plateau de Moulon
| Fax:  33 (0)
| 91190 Gif sur Yvette

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