[TYPO3-dev] Developer of extension nsb_cat2menu doesn't answer

Philipp Metzler phil at goli.at
Mon Jul 7 14:40:43 CEST 2008


We use the extension nsb_cat2menu to display tt_products categories in  
the frontend. If possible we would like to implement some features and  
give it back to the community by releasing a new version. The  
developer of the extension Sami Ben-yahia sittinggoat at hotmail.com  
unfortunately doesn't answer to emails. Sent one on the 18th of June  
and one on the 30th of June. Do you have another contact to him? What  
do you suggest? Release it by using another name?


Best regards,



DI Philipp Metzler
Goli.at GesbR.
Dorf Rieden 7/11
A-6900 Bregenz

eMail: phil at goli.at
Skype (Internet Phone): googol
Tel: +43 / 676 / 72 94 176
ICQ: 13950954

o www.philippmetzler.com - Softwareentwicklung und Websites mit Typo3.
o www.goli.at - Ihr Speicherplatz im Web. Messen Sie uns an unseren  
o www.clickshopping.at - Wir bringen Ihre Produkte auf den Punkt.
o www.greencar.at - Elektroautos und mehr ...

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