[TYPO3-dev] Workspaces, languages, where, enableFields...

Jonas Dübi admin at commandline.ch
Thu Jul 3 13:45:01 CEST 2008

Hi Ernesto

I tried this also, but it does not work. The function returns the same 
as I set as parameter.

I can make versions, I can publish them and then they are live. But the 
preview just not work.

I don't know any extension (expect news) which has a working preview.

And how would you do preview if you have a join with an other table and 
if you wan't to search for special fields.

I would be realy happy if somebuddy could tell me a simple example where 
I can see how it works, tt_news is just to complicated. They are working 
with special selects and the pi1 is more than 3500 lines of code. I 
wrothe the option splitting for tt_news, but I don't unserstand how they 
do the workspace thing.

By the way how does versionOL handle records which are completely new in 
the workspace or deleted? The records which are hidden or deleted in the 
live won't be sent to versionOL because they are blocked by enableFields 
in the previous select.

And please don't tell me to remove enableFields, that's one of the few 
things in TYPO3 which are used everywhere all over the code.

Best regards,

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> Hi Sonja,
> Sonja Scholz wrote: on 03.07.2008 12:20:
>> thank you for your fast answer with the example.
>> I tried to use it in my extension, but for now it doesn't work. I 
>> don't get the workspace version of the records. I get only the same 
>> records as in the live modus.
> Are you sure you have all "versioning" fields in your table and that you 
> have "version" support on for your table? Kickstarter is able to 
> generate those, have a look at what he creates when you tick on 
> "versioning support".
> Cheers,
> Ernesto

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