[TYPO3-dev] Mountpoint handling / problems

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Jul 3 12:27:10 CEST 2008

Steffen Kamper wrote: on 03.07.2008 11:52:

>> I don't think this is currently possible, but I like the idea of 
>> having also mount-point sub-pages shown in the page tree, which can be 
>> very useful for the linking purpose. Might be that also RTE has to be 
>> instructed to handle that. Stan is your man to do that. :)

> Hi Ernesto,
> you are right, the subpages are only needed in browse-tree. But this is 
> not rte only as you also can link form other fields in tceforms, so Stan 
> is not the only one involved. But he has his own browse_links so it 
> should be in both solutions.
> I will try to dig deeper in this and give it a try and i will ask Stan 
> if he like to help out.

No, I mean RTE needs to be able to handle the x-y Syntax in links.

I expect that this feature needs a LOT more stuff in many parts of the 
core to work. Imagine fields of type "group" where page elements can be 
selected. In case of a shortcut, you will then need to be able to store 
(and process!!) not only integers, but also x-y MP syntax. This is 
probably not really backwards-compatible. Maybe those fields will have 
to be split in two internally and the UI then displays it corretly, so 
that only "new" extensions (and new core) will handle this, old 
extensions will handle it like it has always been.

Going through all possible places where such "beasts" should be 
processed will probably be a pain, but it might be possible.


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