[TYPO3-dev] Workspaces, languages, where, enableFields...

Sonja Scholz ss at cabag.ch
Thu Jul 3 10:08:40 CEST 2008

Hi everyone

We would like to select records from a table with certain criterias. The 
records should be translated by language overlay and the workspace 
preview should also be considered. Additionally of course the 
enableFields should be taken care of.

We could not find any satisfying solution. Language and enableFields is 
easy, but the whole workspace thing is nearly impossible to do it the 
right way.

There should be really ONE simple snippet/example which includes 
everything which should be considered.

There are nearly no extensions which do workspace preview, because it is 
so hard to implement.

It would also be nice to have a general function for doing that:

It would be also great if one could JOIN multiple tables and still the 
workspace would be recognized. Imagine you have some records which have 
a (real) MM relation to another table (categories) and you want to 
select all records which are in category B, but translated and workspace 

If you want to have extension developer implementing workspace, it has 
to be as easy as possible :-)

Does anybody have a usable example?

Best regards,

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