[TYPO3-dev] GIFBUILDER Caching-Scheme for Extension

Felix Buenemann Felix.Buenemann at gmx.de
Tue Jul 1 15:04:58 CEST 2008


I am currently coding on an extension that uses GIFBUILDER from PHP to 
create a thumbnail-gallery of random project records. Currently the 
thumbnails are regenerated on every page load.

I would like to include a caching theme, which only generates a 
thumbnail for each record once and then keeps if for the future (or 
until image cache is cleared).

I'm not sure how to approach this. Currently the thumbnail filenames are 
autogenerated, so there's no way to reuse it unless I do a database 
update to store this filename along with the record. Another way would 
be to use php to move the autogenerated file to a filename matching the 
original image's filename, which would save database updates, improving 

But probably there is a much more elegant way to use Typo3 API and 
inbuild caching scheme so please enlighten me on this issue.

Best Regards,
    Felix Buenemann

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