[TYPO3-dev] order of rendering of plugins

stefano cecere scecere at krur.com
Wed Jan 30 10:30:39 CET 2008

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote:
> Hi!
> stefano cecere wrote:
>> yes.. your is a pragmatical solution.. not very nice from the 
>> programming style...
> Why not? It is quite logical: one part prepares data, other displays 
> that data.

well.. it's not always that easy:

right now i have a HUGE extension/application, that handles >20 classes and tons of sessions data.
and it works perfectly.

in this "tiny" plugin in the header i just want to show the some results of the application (let's say it's a cart total)

the way Typo3 works now, it calls the plugins using the order they have as MARKERS in the output template!

now you suggest me that the best wway is to put the logical stuff in the first plugin to be displayed?
what if i change it later?

or in a empty one at the beginning...

uhm.. it doesn't sound nice..

maybe i should take care of the rendering of the WHOLE body content by my extension.. but the i'd loose (or should re-code) many typo3 features...


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