[TYPO3-dev] caching and start-/endtime of content element

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Jan 16 17:26:32 CET 2008

Thomas Mammitzsch wrote: on 16.01.2008 15:21:

> i discovered an odd behaviour (at least it looks like this for me).
> If a content element is set to show only after a certain 
> startdate-/time, the content element is hidden immidiately in the 
> frontend. That is ok, cache is cleared on saving the record.
> If the page is viewed after the defined startdate the content is not 
> shown, although it should. After clearing the cache, the content is 
> shown. Shouldn't the time setting receive attention when typo decides to 
> render the page or just deliver the cached page?
> I didn't use that start/enddates before because i didn't need it. So i 
> don't know if that is the "normal way" typo handles this. If you can 
> confirm that this is a bug, i would report it to the bug database.

This is a known behaviour of TYPO3, as the cache doesn't at first relate 
to start/stop-dates for content elements. So the setting 
config.cache_clearAtMidnight=1 is useful exactly for that purpose, if 
you need "day-based" start/enddates.

If you need more precise control (e.g. hour-wise), you will need to 
setup TYPO3 to expire cache each hour globally 
(config.cache_period=3600) or you set it specifically for the pages 
where you need it (e.g. home-page). Ugly, but it's currently how it works.


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