[TYPO3-dev] Improvements to standard Table Element

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Jan 4 18:31:33 CET 2008

Daniel Pötzinger wrote: on 04.01.2008 18:01:

> The standard table elements are good to use for building predefined
> tables. (The default output has good classes like "last-row" etc.)
> I miss the feature to make colspans (and rowspans)
> Maybe we can use some extra syntax at the beginning of a row.
> Two ideas:
> 1) use some syntax like: {colspan,rowspan,some more instuctions..)
> + easy to develop
> + easy to extend
> - the wizard wont like it
> e.g.
> text | text | text
> {2}text | text
> {3}text
> 2) Use "<" for colspan  and "^" for rowspan
> + dont break the current wizard and
> + is a bit more visual
> e.g.:
> text | text | text
> text |<     | text
> text |<     | <
> text | text | text
> text |^     | text
> text |^     | text
> What do you think?

Yes, that sounds very cool indeed! With solution (1) it would look more
complicated to generate rowspans, and also more complicated to modify
the wizard (I doubt someone will dare to do that..). So I would stay
with (2).

While doing that maybe we could even find a way of allowing the user to
tag a cell with some css-class and to choose td / th, e.g.:

text | text | text
text |<     | text
text |<     | <
{th}text | {th}text | {th}text
text | {class:my-css-class}text | text
text |^     | text
text |^     | text

Of course that should only be done in "compatVersion >= 4.2", as it
might break some old tables that have the character "<" in cells to be
displayed in the FE (for which we need some quoting syntax).

That would be very powerful and people would (re-)start to use that
instead of rendering tables in RTE (which is actually pretty good due to
huge effords from our RTE man Stanislau!!).


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