[TYPO3-dev] Datetime bug in 4.2 - SOLUTION

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Fri Feb 22 15:18:28 CET 2008


Steffen Ritter wrote:
> as far as I got your text problems last of point 2 and the getUTC function.
> So why cut whole processing. Point to I think it's a sign problem, so 
> add *-1 to the timezone-"summand".

Do you think I did not try? I spent 8 hours on it. The logic is broken there. If you look into it in the debuggger, you will understand why: information about user timezone is not known to server. The time value, which is sent to server, is neither UTC, no server timezone. It is just some value calculated on the client side. It is totally different from UTC or sever timezone. You and me are in different timezones. If we edit two records in the same time, two different time values will be saved to the database. So we both can put "15:00" as starttime and your record gets "16:00" and mine gets "17:00".

This will never work properly, especially if you have many editors in different time zones.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
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