[TYPO3-dev] FlexForm Help

Osipov Dan dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Fri Feb 15 21:54:04 CET 2008

I have a simple flexform with two fields. The first one is dynamic, and is populated by an external function. Upon change the form is reloaded. The second should pull records from a DB based on the value of the first field. How do I achieve that?
Here is a clipping from the XML code defining the structure:
           <label>Widget Type</label>
            <items type="array">
                <numIndex index="0" type="array">
                    <numIndex index="0">Select One Bellow</numIndex>
                    <numIndex index="1">0</numIndex>
           <label>Saved settings</label>
                <numIndex index="0">
                    <numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
                    <numIndex index="1">0</numIndex>
                AND widget=###VALUE_FROM_FIRST_FIELD###

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