[TYPO3-dev] Anybody here good in JS, Prototype and so on? (Date2Cal)

Benjamin Mack mack at xnos.org
Mon Feb 11 10:09:06 CET 2008

Hey steffen,

I wanted to use date2cal two days ago as well and it did not work in 
4.2. So I dug into the ext and found out two things:
- the NLP does not work at all, so it has to be disabled otherwise 
you'll get a Setup error.
- to make the calendar "visible" again, search for the line "position: 
absolute" in the ext source code. Should be on line 744 in calendar.js
Then, add the following line:

		div.style.zIndex = "200";

and it should work again.

I know this does not answer your question but hopefully helps a couple 
of people :)


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