[TYPO3-dev] Problem with hook in sr_feuser_register/sr_email_subscribe

Brian Bendtsen bb at bellevuevej.dk
Mon Aug 18 15:54:24 CEST 2008


Im using the mentioned extensions for allowing users to subscribe to my 
website, records are saved as tt_address records. I have created a new 
extension becauce I needed some more fields. I also need to manipulate 
the data after the user has confirmed the subscription data. Therefore 
Im trying to use a hook, but im not sure if the hooks in 
sr_feuser_register is available when using the sr_email_subscribe extension.

I have used hooks before and this is what I have done to test if it 
works so far:

1. In my extension library I have created the file ext_localconf.php and 
added the lines:


= 'EXT:myext/class.createMemberNo.php:createMemberNo';


2. I have created the file class.createMemberNo.php with the lines:


class createMemberNo {
	function registrationProcess_beforeConfirmCreate(&$recordArray, 
&$invokingObj) {
		 t3lib_div::devLog('Print recordArray', 'myext');


just to see if I can get an output.

3. I have tested the subscription form in the front end and expected 
"Print recordArray" to be written to the log, but it doesn't.

Any hints?


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