[TYPO3-dev] Avoid rendering menu based on number of items

John Angel johnange at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 11:41:58 CEST 2008


In the code bellow, no matter of stdWrap.if condition, Typo3 is always making the complete menu tree like it will be displayed. I understand this is behavior by TS design.

submenu = HMENU
submenu {
	entryLevel = 1

	1 = TMENU
	1.NO.allWrap = |

	stdWrap.if {
			value.data = register:count_menuItems
			isLessThan = 1
			isGreaterThan = 5

So the process is something like this:

{count menu items}
{build menu - calling typoLink for every single page}
{check is number of menu items is larger than 1 and smaller than 5} => display menu or not

Is there some workaround to process the condition first, like this:

{count menu items}
{check is number of menu items is larger than 1 and smaller than 5} => next step or exit
{build menu - calling typoLink for every single page}

The reason is simple - if I have 500 pages, I wouldn't want to waste time on building menu which will not be displayed. Especially in the latest Typo3 v4.2 which is checking rootline for all 500 pages using typoLink function.


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