[TYPO3-dev] possible bug with workspace overlay of shortcut pages when fetching rootline!

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Fri Apr 11 12:14:31 CEST 2008

Hi Steffen,

> i don't see any pagetype-relevant params here. What is result of
> t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL(shortcut page) ?

it's empty. There is no workspace version of it - there is only a live 
version. By speaking of versions, I just noticed that this page has 
three versions [1] and that the rootlineArray from 
t3lib_BEfunc::BEgetRootline is containing a older version of the page - 
which shouldn't be, because I'm in LIVE-workspace using the LIVE version 
of the page.

After noticing this, I started investigating more time in debugging this 
and had a special eye on where versioning was done in the function chain 
and finally found the bug:

---- class.t3lib_befunc.php, lines 3517,3518 -----------
// Check if workspace is different from zero and record is set:
if ($wsid!==0 && is_array($row))	{

having a look at the if-clause, you might notice, that '$wsid!==0' is 
wrong and should be '$wsdi!=0'. So, after changing this, the rootline is 
  correct again.

---- class.t3lib_befunc.php, lines 3517,3518 -----------
// Check if workspace is different from zero and record is set:
if ($wsid!=0 && is_array($row))	{

Shall I add this one to the bugtracker and add a patch?

[1] http://hosting.elements-net.de/temp/screen-versioning.png

kind regards,

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