[TYPO3-dev] IMPORT-Section in ExtMan; WAS: Applying own Script or actions whith extension load (EM)

Stefan Geith typo3dev2008.nospam1 at geithware.de
Wed Apr 9 16:37:29 CEST 2008

Ingo Renner schrieb:
> Steffen Ritter wrote:
>> Is there any possibility to create Sysfolder Structure while loading an 
>> Extension. Or automatically import a .t3d or sth. like this, so that a 
>> big amount of static data is structured and does not belong to PID=0
> no
>> Could there be any hook in "load Extension" where to apply own scripts?
> there isn't

maybe there should be an IMPORT-Section - just like the UPDATE section, 
that is already available: Same functionality - only other name.

Then a big hint on the install-page, that an Import-Tool is provided.
(Btw: I also would like to have a hint, if an Update-Tool is available 
for the extension).

As a workaround, you could 'miss-use' the Update-Section for creation
of a sysfolder and importing defaults ...



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