[TYPO3-dev] devlog as a replacement for cc_devlog

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Tue Apr 8 19:16:20 CEST 2008

Hello to all,
short question, hopefully short answer.
Is there any possibility to create Sysfolder Structure while loading an 
Extension. Or automatically import a .t3d or sth. like this, so that a 
big amount of static data is structured and does not belong to PID=0
Could there be any hook in "load Extension" where to apply own scripts?



Francois Suter schrieb:
> Hi all,
> Over the course of several projects I made bugfixes and a large number 
> of improvements on cc_devlog. I tried to either contribute those 
> enhancements or take over the maintenance of that extension from René 
> Fritz, but it proved impossible.
> So I decided to create a fork called simply "devlog". I have just 
> released it to the TER. As I think it is a very interesting tool for 
> developers I have put the source code on typo3xdev, so anyone having an 
> interest in implementing features for such a tool can take contact with me.
> I hope you will find this new version useful.
> BTW this is a solution to bug: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5245 
> which IMO can be closed (since obviously René is never going to correct 
> cc_devlog).
> Cheers

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