[TYPO3-dev] typolink improvments (link to records)

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Mon Sep 17 15:27:26 CEST 2007

In TYPO3 4.1 Kasper added the concept of linkHandlers for linking to
individual records. You can find some more details on this in TSRef
[1].  It's the same concept as what you describe, but its pushed down
into PHP instead of Typoscript.  You could build the Typoscript layer
you describe on top of it though.

There are two problems with the current implementation of linkHandler.
 There's a simple bug that keeps it from working at all.  You can find
this and the patch on the bugtracker [2].  The other problem is that
there is not currently a GUI to select records.  The typolink must be
built by hand instead.

If both of these were resolved, I think we'd have a really powerful
feature :)


[1] -
ref/4.1.0/view/5/8/> [2] - <http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5701>

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