[TYPO3-dev] TYPO3 4.2 Alpha 1

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Wed Sep 12 23:36:01 CEST 2007

>> IMHO it's a "no go", if you have to upgrade your whole system just
>> to update to a new TYPO3 version while the current versions of many
>> extensions won't run on this upgraded system yet and this might put
>> even more people on a track leading away from TYPO3.
> You are saying "many extensions" but you did not give any particular
> name except for extdeveval, which is not for production server. Unless
> you say what exactly does not work, this statement either useless, or
> considered as false :(

Well - It seems that I have to apologize :-)

It was 6 a clock in the morning and I had spent a whole night with a
dist-upgrade of my server to debian etch, a switch to apache2 and other
stuff as well and finally managed to get PHP5 running with eaccelerator. All
this just to be able to test the new version.

It was really frustrating that the first thing I saw, when entering the
backend, was this ugly error message in my top menu frame, while the other
sites which are still using TYPO3 4.1 simply refused to run. Maybe I just
should have slept on it again ;-)

Now I just checked the environment again, changed some of the settings and
removed the buggy line in extdeveval and I have to admit that almost
anything is running smoothly including my old TYPO3 sites.

So, sorry for any offense.

Will report bugs _if_ I find some :-)


Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
(If you have no clues: simply shut your gob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
openBC/Xing: http://www.cybercraft.de
T3 cookbook: http://www.typo3experts.com

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