[TYPO3-dev] Exclude get vars from cHash check.

Nikolas Hagelstein hagelstein at shr.cc
Thu Nov 29 15:59:18 CET 2007

Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
> This is correct for USER_INT (as you showed). But if it is USER, it
> may not be excluded from cHash. 
Indeed, excluding is only neccesary for a combination of USER and USER_INT.
In other words: every paramter affecting the output of a USER obj has to be
inlcuded to the cHash as a matter of  cause. (Since it will result in a
different cache entry for that particular page).
But thoose just affecting USER_INTS can be excluded.
And that is exactly what i requested for initially.

So http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6857 defenetly has its right to exists.

And once again ;> :
my_ext_pi1 : USER  -> Serving a Database record depending on
my_ext_pi2 : USER_INT -> output depending on &tx_myext_pi2[whatever]
Both placed on the same page.


Would result in 3 identical cache entrys. Which isnt necessary if we could
tell tslib to exclude tx_myext_pi2[text] from chash generation/comparison
since it only affects the user_int which wont be cached anyway.


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