[TYPO3-dev] Good news: First decrease of no_cache parameter on google

Johnny Peck johnny at slipcasemedia.com
Thu Nov 29 09:16:39 CET 2007

Ingo Renner wrote:
> Elmar Hinz wrote:
>>>> * tt_news
>>>> There are still several places in the code that set the no_cache
>>>> parameter.
>>> same here!
>> Sorry, I need to focus on quality of my own extensions first, before I 
>> start
>> fixing  foreign ones. When they are done, it's time to enlarge the scope.
>> This bug is in the responsibility of others.
> then don't complain about it
> Ingo


	If nobody complains then nothing gets fixed.  The squeaky wheel gets 
the grease as they say.  As far as I know, telling people to shut up is 
not very productive especially when that person is doing so much for 
extension developers as Elmar has and continues to do.  I don't mean to 
say either of you are more productive than the other just that you could 
very easily be more creative with your criticism and it would go a long 
way and actually help the situation.  He has written articles on this 
subject, done his research, and is now trying once again to bring the 
issue forward.  If you don't care then how about you stop complaining 
about what you perceive to be complaining or whining.  I mean no 
disrespect but not adding productive thoughts and ideas to the 
discussion is just you complaining as well.

	Elmar, via lib/div/cool and extensive work with the ECT to provide a 
modern development process for TYPO3 extensions has done far more than 
'complain'.  In fact, he is very much driving the next wave of extension 
development and thinking far more forward towards an ability to move 4.x 
extensions into V5 extensions when that day comes as well.

	Anyhow, maybe I am complaining now as well so I am done.  Time to code 
a bit more and sleep some.  By the way Ingo, I do appreciate your 
contributions to TYPO3 and you have provided solutions for issues I  had 
at times in the past years and I thank you for that.  I appreciate the 
both of you, let's just be a bit more civil.


PS.  Food for thought.  Anyone considered getting rid of the kickstarter 
and replacing it with PHING?  Eh, maybe I will look into it a bit more. 


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