[TYPO3-dev] sql order by with left join

Bas van der Togt bas.vander.togt at efocus.nl
Mon Nov 5 15:28:29 CET 2007

Hello list,

I'm trying to order a list in my extension but i can't get it work.
The sql has a 'left join' and that must me the problem i think. Does 
anybody knows how to order my sql with a left join?

SELECT alsosee.*, cat.*, mm.*, alsosee.uid AS alsoseeuid
FROM tx_profalsosee_cat_mm AS mm
LEFT JOIN tx_profalsosee_cat AS cat ON mm.uid_foreign=cat.uid
LEFT JOIN tx_profalsosee_alsosee AS alsosee ON mm.uid_local=cat.uid
WHERE alsosee.hidden=0 AND alsosee.deleted=0 AND alsosee.t3ver_state=0 
AND alsosee.pid IN ('.$pidList.')
ORDER BY mm.sorting

Kind regards,

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