[TYPO3-dev] Reason for tables restriction of the CONTENT object

Patrick Rodacker patrick.rodacker at the-reflection.de
Tue May 22 20:29:18 CEST 2007

Hi all,

in one of my projects I needed the CONTENT element to use the table
'pages_language_overlay' and I stumbled about the restrictions mentioned
in TSRef, which limit the acces to the tables 'pages' or prefixed with
one of these: 'tt_', 'tx_', 'ttx_', 'fe_', 'user_'.

Could someone please explain to me why these restrictions have been

If this is for security reasons I don't get the point because access to
e.g. 'be_groups' is granted while access to 'fe_users' is not. I wonder
if it's better to make the restrictions the other way round, allowing
access to every pages except pages which hold sensible data (be_users,
fe_users, ...).

Or maybe it's even better if the accessible tables would be configurable
by a TYPO_CONF_VAR setting?


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