[TYPO3-dev] FORM element

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon May 21 16:55:06 CEST 2007

John Angel wrote: on 21.05.2007 16:38:

>>> Have you checked excellent ext th_mailformplus?

>> sure, but it's not the point, this issue should develop built in FORM.

> I know, but why not integrate all the good things from th_mailformplus
> into the core? Sending forms seems like a pretty core-thing.

True, but I don't see how something like th_mailformplus compares to the
FORMs cObject functionality. Both handle the same stuff, but are
oriented towards different use-cases:

- FORM: easy to "click together" forms, any editor can do that using the

- th_mailformplus: someone has to build pretty complex HTML-templates
with markers, error messages etc for specific tasks.

The nice stuff in th_mailformplus that are worth looking at for
integration in FORMs cObject:

- more control over what to do with the submitted data (db saving,
sending control emails to submitter "thanks for your interest)
- more control over error messages
- more control over validation of certain fields

But maybe a totally new track would be the most effective: A nice user
friendly wizard for FORMidable? That would mean every editor can "click
together" a pretty complex form, and it will generate some FORMidable
configuration. I think this might be even a better approach than trying
to integrate th_mailformplus functionality in FORM, because FORMidable
already has a pretty stable, mature and very well founded API for
handling forms.

For a start we might just try to "enhance" little pieces of FORM
cObject, which is what has more chances to get into core and have
visionary ideas evolve in form of extensions first.


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