[TYPO3-dev] add uploadfolder TSConfig ovverride possibility

stefano cecere scecere at krur.com
Sun May 13 15:03:17 CEST 2007

i just filled this bug/request: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5623

right now with TSConfig it is possible to override these config parameters of a group field:

group - size, autoSizeMax, max_size, show_thumbs, maxitems, minitems

it would be VERY USEFUL to add 'uploadfolder'.

to simply modify line 344 of class.t3lib_tceforms.php to
  'group' => array('size', 'autoSizeMax', 'max_size', 'show_thumbs', 'maxitems', 'minitems','uploadfolder'),

isn't enough (TCE uses the overridden value to "read" files, but when it has to WRITE them, they go to nonoverridder TCA uploadfolder)

can anybody give a deeper eye in it?


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