[TYPO3-dev] CSS-problems with the new page/file tree

Tapio Markula tapio.markula at atwebteam.com
Thu Mar 29 12:31:52 CEST 2007

Martin Kutschker

 > But if it's any help for you: the JS functions refresh_nav() and 
hilight_row() will be availabe again in 4.1.1.
 > Masi

In fact this helped me lot!
I disabled usage of function 'Tree.highlightActiveItem' in XCLASS for 
navigation frames.

// Adding javascript for drag & drop activation and highlighting
//'.($this->doHighlight ? 
'Tree.highlightActiveItem("",top.fsMod.navFrameHighlightedID["web"]);' : 
     $this->content .=$this->doc->wrapScriptTags('

             '.(!$this->doc->isCMlayers() ? 'Tree.activateDragDrop = 
false;' : 'Tree.registerDragDropHandlers();')

I must add the older version instead

// Adding highlight - JavaScript
if ($this->doHighlight)	$this->content .=$this->doc->wrapScriptTags('

Now 4.1 uses the function 'hilight_row' with
class "navFrameHL" highlighting the active item. That should then be 
also compatible with 4.1.1?

Result is
<li id="pages195_0" class="navFrameHL">

That result would help also much skin developers, but they still
must take account nested structure and
put CSS like this, which should be compatible with 4.0.x, 4.1.0 and 4.1.1

.navFrameHL {    background-color: #dedede }
UL.tree UL LI.active,
UL.tree UL LI.navFrameHL { background-color: #E0E0E0 }
UL.tree UL LI.active UL, UL.tree UL LI.navFrameHL UL { background-color: 
#F3F4F8; }

So small changes in class and function names cause much headashe for
skin- andi interface related plugins.

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