[TYPO3-dev] Typo3 Performance

Nils Meyer meyer at hauptsache.net
Mon Mar 5 14:13:22 CET 2007


Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
>  > table_cache = 256
> Hard to say about this one without seeing mysql stats. Should be ok if 
> you have only one typo3 site. I have 1000 after tuning but I have 2GB RAM.

You can set this value higher without problems, as a cached table 
doesn't take so much RAM. The only problem might be a maximum file 
descriptor limit but that's hard to hit in a small setup.

Anyways, just *guessing* the right values for server settings is a very 
inaccurate approach to server optimization. It's more of a tune -> 
benchmark -> tune -> benchmark thing. SHOW STATUS in mysql root helps a 
lot, if you know how to read the values. In 5.0, you can use the 
mysqlreport tool to check how effective your settings are. It however 
requires an upgrade to 5.0, I don't know how difficult this is with SuSE.

As Typo3 doesn't use very complex sql statements (dbal somehow forbids 
it, that's why I opt against it when writing extensions), the database
might not even be the bottleneck. I think the most room for optimization 
is in the PHP Code itself (thinking of parsing XML obtained from the 
database, executing select statements in loops, and a lot more that is 
yet to be discovered). I don't think it is wise to use the database for 
caching either - imho caching should be pluggable, so I could use the 
filesystem, memcached or a code cache to store data.

Well enough complains, back to work. When I have some spare time I'll 
build a testcase to proof my thoughts.


Nils Meyer			| Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 69528
hauptsache.net GmbH		| Finanzamt Hamburg-Altona 02/842/01442
Ruhrstr. 11, 22761 Hamburg	| Geschäftführung: Alexander Bernhardt
Tel.: 040 41 26 37 - 31		|

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