[TYPO3-dev] Typo3 Performance

Steffen Kamper steffen at dislabs.de
Sun Mar 4 23:12:41 CET 2007

"Martin Kutschker" <martin.t.kutschker at n0spam.blackbox.net> schrieb im 
news:mailman.1.1173023317.16634.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
>> Martin Kutschker wrote:
>>> Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Martin Kutschker wrote:
>>>>> Can you explain this model in short or give me a pointer to an online 
>>>>> resource?
>>>> This model was proposed by Oracle DB expert Joe Celko. Generally it 
>>>> marks branches of the tree with consecutive numbers so that when you 
>>>> want to fetch root path or get the whole branch, you just need to issue 
>>>> query with two numbers. Example:
>>>>                     |- C (3,4)
>>>>         |- B (2, 7)-|
>>>> A(1,14)-|           |- D (5,6)
>>>>         |           |
>>>>         |- E (8,13)-|- F (9,10)
>>>>                     |
>>>>                     |- G (11,12)
>>> Quite interesting.
>>> I notice that several articles on this topic suggest to use table locks 
>>> (for Myisam) or transactions when updating the table. This makes sense 
>>> but forces us to deal with a Myisam vs Innodb issue plus a DBAL issue.
>> No need. Updates can be also done with one or two queries.
> One: fine. Two: not so good. TYPO3 is currently sloppy with capsulating 
> changes in the data structure, but a complete update of a the page tree 
> structure must be protected.
> > I see the issue with hidden/deleted pages only...
> Why? Hidden pages must be updated instantly. Deleted pages might be 
> updated. But if we choose not to, we should add a recover tool for pages 
> that updates the nested set.
>>> Still it's interesting to see which features of TYPO3 can be sped up 
>>> with queries on the nested sets.
>> Realurl, for example :) It takes rootline. And any other function that 
>> requires to traverse tree (templavoila too).
> I found a page with some tests. Interstingly a root line serach isn't sped 
> up by a nested set. But all operations that work on branches (like clear 
> real url cache or clear search index) might benefit.
> Masi

ah - this would interest me. Can you give me the url of that page ?

vg  Steffen 

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