[TYPO3-dev] cropHtml as new Feature for stdWrap

Mario Matzulla mario.melanie at arcor.de
Sun Mar 4 19:31:48 CET 2007

Hi Martin,

Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> If you have an idea how to read html into an array like the 
>> dom-function we could replace it - may be a useful function for other 
>> properties.
Why reinventing the wheel again?
> You can do it by walking the string with a regexp. Has the advatage that 
> you don't need to parse the whole string, as you can terminate after the 
> first n byte of text.

The regexp doesn't work here.

I have changed the code. Now there is a php4 and a php5 function (see 

Please reconsider changing the crop function, since this function will 
not return any broken-tag-data and always the same amount of chars.


class user_htmlCrop {

     function html_substr2PHP4($content, $conf) {

         // The approximate length you want the concatenated text to be
         $minimum_length = $conf['minLength'] ? $conf['minLength'] : 200;
         // The variation in how long the text can be
         // in this example text length will be between 200-10=190 
         // and the character where the last tag ends
     //    $length_offset = $conf['lengthOffset'] ? 
$conf['lengthOffset'] : 10;

         $replaceString = $conf['replaceString'] ? 
$conf['replaceString'] : '...';
         // Reset tag counter & quote checker
         $doc = domxml_xmltree('<body>' . $content . '</body>');
         $body = $doc->get_elements_by_tagname('body');
         $length = 0;
         $content = $this->getContentAsStringPHP4($body[0], $length, 
$minimum_length, $replaceString);
         //    t3lib_div::debug($body[0]);
         return $content;

     function getContentAsStringPHP4($node, &$length, $maxLength = 200, 
$replaceString = '...') {
         $st = "";
         if ($length >= $maxLength)
             return $st;
         foreach ($node->child_nodes() as $cnode){
             if ($cnode->node_type() == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
                 $text = $cnode->node_value();
                 if (strlen($text) + $length < $maxLength) {
                     $st .= $text;
                     $length += strlen($text);
                 } else if ($length < $maxLength) {
                     $st .= substr($text, 0, $maxLength - $length) . 
                     $length = $maxLength+1;
                     return $st;
             } else {
                 if ($cnode->node_type() == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                     $st .= "<" . $cnode->node_name();
                     if ($attribnodes = $cnode->attributes()) {
                         $st .= " ";
                         foreach ($attribnodes as $anode)
                             $st .= $anode->node_name() . "='" .
                             $anode->node_value() . "'";
                     $nodeText = $this->getContentAsString($cnode, 
$length, $maxLength, $replaceString);
                     if (empty ($nodeText) && !$attribnodes)
                         $st .= " />"; // unary
                         $st .= ">" . $nodeText . "</" .
                         $cnode->node_name() . ">";
             if($length >= $maxLength) break;
         return $st;

     function html_substr2PHP5($content, $conf) {

         // The approximate length you want the concatenated text to be
         $minimum_length = $conf['minLength'] ? $conf['minLength'] : 200;
         // The variation in how long the text can be
         // in this example text length will be between 200-10=190 
         // and the character where the last tag ends
     //    $length_offset = $conf['lengthOffset'] ? 
$conf['lengthOffset'] : 10;

         $replaceString = $conf['replaceString'] ? 
$conf['replaceString'] : '...';
         // Reset tag counter & quote checker

         $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');
         $doc->loadHTML('<body>' . $content . '</body>');
         $bodyTags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body');
         $length = 0;
         foreach($bodyTags as $body){
             $content = $this->getContentAsStringPHP5($body, $length, 
$minimum_length, $replaceString);
             return $content;

     function getContentAsStringPHP5($node, &$length, $maxLength = 200, 
$replaceString = '...') {
         $st = "";
         if ($length >= $maxLength)
             return $st;
         foreach ($node->childNodes as $cnode){
             if ($cnode->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
                 $text = $cnode->nodeValue;
                 if (strlen($text) + $length < $maxLength) {
                     $st .= $text;
                     $length += strlen($text);
                 } else if ($length < $maxLength) {
                     $st .= substr($text, 0, $maxLength - $length) . 
                     $length = $maxLength+1;
                     return $st;
             } else {
                 if ($cnode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                     $st .= "<" . $cnode->nodeName;
                     if ($attribnodes = $cnode->attributes) {
                         $st .= " ";
                         foreach ($attribnodes as $anode)
                             $st .= $anode->nodeName . "='" .
                             $anode->nodeValue . "'";
                     $nodeText = $this->getContentAsStringPHP5($cnode, 
$length, $maxLength, $replaceString);
                     if (empty ($nodeText) && !$attribnodes)
                         $st .= " />"; // unary
                         $st .= ">" . $nodeText . "</" .
                         $cnode->nodeName . ">";
             if($length >= $maxLength) break;
         return $st;
> Masi

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