[TYPO3-dev] Typo3 Performance

Dmitry Dulepov 9f4eetb02 at sneakemail.com
Fri Mar 2 17:14:49 CET 2007


Nicolas Cohen wrote:
> Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
>> Now let's do this. Execute "mysqladmin extended-status" and see value 
>> for "Threads-cached". I think it is 0.
> it is 0 indeed

This is a reason for low performance of your system... You have thread 
cache disabled in mysql. It means that mysql has to create a new thread 
each time when request comes. This is *extremely* resource hungry 
operation. Extremely! Linux was never good with thread creation, though 
it manages their work excellent. Thread creation requires switching from 
user to kernel cpu context, which is very costly and kills performance 

So, change your my.cnf, add two things into [mysqld] section:


The first one should be approximately equal to a maximum number of 
connections that you expect at peaks. The second in the number of CPUs 
multiplied by two (dual core cpu count as 2 cpus).

Restart mysql and repeat your tests.

>> Why so?
> i wonder the same

Seems like you get error results all the time. May be server overloads 
(code 500)?

Dmitry Dulepov

Web: http://typo3bloke.net/
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