[TYPO3-dev] How can I detect a logged in fronted user?

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Jun 13 00:01:13 CEST 2007

Hi Michiel,

> When a backend user logs in the be_typo_user cookie is set.
> This can successfully be detected by mod_rewrite using the condition:
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !be_typo_user

The cookie is set when loading /typo3/index.php, so it can be there even
before the login! Don't trust it, even not for be_users!

> The fe_typo_user cookie is allways set!
> Even if a user never logs in.
> When a user does log in, the cookie does not change and no new cookies
> are set.

Right. I dislike this behaviour very much. TYPO3 does fe_session checks on
every request, while it could simply skip that if the cookie would only
exist for logged in users. Will try to change soon...

> My aim is to be able to use:
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !fe_typo_user
> So that I can skip rewriting to statically cached files if a frontend
> user is logged in.

> Why is the cookie always set?

That is because of the getKey/setKey feature which offers session based data
storage in the fe_session_data table without requiring any frontend login.

> If this behavior cannot be changed easily I am thinking of hooking into
> the frontend login code to set an extra: no_static cookie which I can
> check against.

Why don't you use a proxy in front of the server? This would cache the pages
according to various cache-control headers.

All you need to do is to
1) set up a proxy system
2) enable config.sendCacheHeaders = 1
3) avoid any INT/EXT inclusion scripts (no USER_INT objects!)

(Well, I know that you want a solution using nc_staticfilecache, but still
I'm curious about the drawbacks of this solution...)

- michael
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