[TYPO3-dev] Using Commas in Constant Editor Dropdown

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Jul 24 20:48:33 CEST 2007

Does anyone know if its possible to use use the comma character in a
Constant Editor dropdown list?

In my extension, I'm defining several options with the following
Typoscript # cat=constants.wec//k; type=options[October 22 2007=%B %d
%Y, ...]; label = Date FormatdateFormat = %B %d %Y

I'd like change this to October 22, 2007 instead (note the comma), but
thats where my problems come in :)

In t3lib_tsparser_ext->ext_getTypeData(), its hardcoded to expect the
comma as a separator between options.  I tried using an HTML entity
for the comma instead, but semicolons are also used as separators so
that doesn't work.  

Any suggestions on how to get around either of these limitations or
should I give up on getting a comma into my Constant Editor


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