[TYPO3-dev] Best practice to implement BE-preprocessing in a FE plugin

Taras Sajuk taras.sajuk at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 4 17:11:30 CEST 2007

2007/7/4, Dmitry Dulepov <dmitry at typo3.org>:
> I see. Now it is clear.

But I'm in the dark now ;-)

The user who is uploading the file isn't a visitor but a fully
authenticated BE-user - he is an editor using the site administrative
surface (BE) to enter/upload the file. In fact the file is generally
found somewhere under his filemount - no upload needed.

So I don't see why there should be a need to spawn a CLI-based
BE-process as the guy is already working with the BE surface in his

I just need some code of my extension to be called just after the
editor clicks on the save button of the content element (which is my
plugin) while he is in the Typo3 admin surface (BE) .

any ideas in this direction?

Taras Sajuk

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