[TYPO3-dev] TypoScript: stdWrap.ifEmpty but no stdWrap.ifIsset

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Fri Jan 12 17:20:03 CET 2007


I'd like a stdWrap only to be executed if there is content available.

With stdWrap.ifEmpty I can define actions for the case that there is no
data. But what do I have to do if if want these actions to happen only
*if data is set* (e.g. a stdWrap.ifIsset).

I could use the following way, but it's not very clean:
10 = TEXT
10 {
  field = somefield
  wrap = <div class="whatever">|</div>
  if {
    isTrue.field = somefield

Thanks for your hints and comments!

Oliver Hader

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