[TYPO3-dev] Solution for TYPO3 backend access via SSL Proxy

Christian Kuhn lollingola at lollingola.de
Mon Jan 8 21:21:42 CET 2007


Am Sonntag, den 07.01.2007, 22:43 +0100 schrieb Henning Pingel:
> I have a TYPO3 installation running on a webspace of a big webhoster
> (Webpack at hosteurope.de). The webhoster offers a SSL proxy to connect
> securely to the webspace.

> Now I'm wondering how I should publish my code change.

I dont understand why typo needs any handling for this at all.
All my Backends are ssl-enabled on my vhost servers not using
typo3-logic but mod_rewrite to make it transparent for the user.

My typical setup for a domain is something like this:

	ServerName vhostdomain.de
	RewriteEngine On
	RewriteCond   %{SERVER_PORT}  ^80$
	RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_URI}  ^/typo3/
	RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME}       !(.*)\.jpg$
	RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME}       !(.*)\.gif$
	ewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME}       !(.*)\.png$
	RewriteRule   ^/(.*) https://www.ssldomain.de/vhostdomain/$1

This would be similar if placed in a .htaccess. The browser will be
rewritten to https://www.ssldomain.de/vhostdomain/typo3/ if somebody
hits http://vhostdomain.de/typo3 , and if its not a image (eg. global or
system extensions-images linked from the frontend will not be rewritten
to https).

One just need to set a link in your ssldomain to your vhostdomain which
is probably exactly what your provider does for you (or an alias-entry):
ln -s /path/to/vhostdomain /path/to/ssldomain/vhostdomain

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["lockSSL"] or any other parameters are not needed
as the backend will always be rewritten to https. The user can not
circumvent this. This works for me at least since TYPO3 3.5.

Are there any caveats? In which setup will this not work? Where is
typo-logic needed? What does your patch solve this setup does not? Sry
if I have lost sight on something and these questions are just stupid.


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