[TYPO3-dev] Front End plugin - multiple versions

Brian Bendtsen nightowl at galnet.dk
Mon Apr 16 11:06:47 CEST 2007

Oliver Klee skrev:
> Hi Brian,
> Brian Bendtsen schrieb:
>> How do I add a selector box to the plugin in the BE where its possible
>> to choose which version of the plugin to insert?
> You can use a drop-down box in flexforms for this. Have a look at my
> "seminars" extension that does the same, eg. distinguish between a
> general seminars list and a list of seminars to which the current FE
> user already has registered.
> Best regards,
> Oliver
Hi Oliver, that is what I need but how do I make it? How do I create 
these BE forms? In the kickstarter?


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